BOHS P408 - Identification and Quantification of Asbestos in Soils using PLM and PCM

£1250 ex VAT & a BOHS exam fee of £415 per delegate

Syllabus/Course Structure and Assessment

The main subject areas of the course are:

The students would be assessed as follows:

Submission of Report:

Candidates are required to demonstrate that they have sufficient knowledge with respect to the duty holder's requirements and either produce an asbestos management plan or a report compiled from a critical review of an asbestos management plan.

A copy of the report must be submitted to BOHS within twelve months.

Who is this course suitable for?

This qualification is suitable for anyone responsible for undertaking the qualitative and quantitative analysis of asbestos in soils, for the purpose of assessing contamination prior to remediation.

This includes:

  • Asbestos analysts.
  • Laboratory analysts.
  • Land surveyors.
  • Site investigators.

It may also be suitable for anyone who wishes to progress into these roles. Candidates for this advanced analytical course must already hold the P401 and experience of asbestos fibre counting would be advantageous.

Course Timing

Duration: 4 days

Start time: 9am on course day, 9am on exam day

Finish time: Approximately 4pm

Written Exam: Closed book, 20 questions, 1 hour

Formative Practical Assessment

Practical Assessment Open book, 1 soil sample, 4 hours

Delegates are required to bring along a scientific calculator

Location - Manchester

Quality Assured

Accreditation  Image