BOHS P401 - Identification of Asbestos in Bulk samples (PLM)

£675 ex VAT & a BOHS exam fee of £415 per delegate

Syllabus/Course Structure and Assessment

The syllabus and course is structured into five sections:

Practical work involves:

Examinations and Assessment Candidates are required to pass all of the following parts (A, B and C below) to be awarded this qualification.

Who is this course suitable for?

  • Asbestos bulk analysts and laboratory analysts.
  • Anyone who manages asbestos analysts or requires a deeper understanding of the asbestos analysis process (e.g. Laboratory Quality Manager)
  • Prior Knowledge and Understanding

    Candidates for this course are expected to be aware of HSG 248 Asbestos: The Analysts' Guide (July 2021), and in particular Appendix 2: Determination of asbestos in bulk materials. Candidates will preferably have prior experience of analysing bulk samples and may already be participating in a quality control scheme. In addition, candidates are expected to have had training to cover the core competencies outlined within the foundation material detailed within Table A9.1 of HSG248 Asbestos: The Analysts' Guide (July 2021). This may be achieved by In -house learning or through the P400 foundation module.

Course Timing

Duration: 3 days

Start time: 9am on course day, 9am on exam day

Finish time: Approximately 4pm

Written Exam: Open book, Approx 30 questions, 90 mins

Location - Manchester

Location - Essex

Quality Assured

Accreditation  Image